I graduated New York University with a degree in Linguistics and Anthropology. Curious about the intersections between language, gender and technology, and with little direction amidst the pandemic, I entered the WGS Master’s program at CUNY. My work has varied, from autoethnographical to cross-linguistic research. I believe my scholarship to be meaningful in its exploration of expanding notions of space, inclusivity, and belonging on both the micro and macro levels.
While at the GC I have held a position as an Editorial Assistant at the academic journal, Women’s Studies Quarterly, published by the Feminist Press at CUNY. The special issue, biannual journal creates space for radical, interdisciplinary research as well as art, poetry, and other creative work. It is my hope to continue on in a career in publishing, academic or otherwise. I have also begun working as an Archival Intern for the Center for LGBTQ Studies, where I am assisting on a COVID-19 Oral History Project, and digitizing old video materials for the archive.
More on my work experiences here: